my work


Computer Science Research Intern
January 2024 - Present
New Delhi, Delhi, India

Extended my internship in July in lieu of uncertainity of going for Masters.

Working in CSIR headquarters, the innovation centre of India's technology.

  • I work under the Chief Scientist and Head of IT division.
  • Collaborated with the backend team for re-designing the backend of TACS portal of CSIR employees.
  • Migrated the project from Spring Boot and Postgres to Nodejs server-side while integrating modern tools like Knexjs and making the services modular for further updates.
  • Responsible for coninously managing and adding new functionalities to the portal.
  • I have also implmented 20+ independent features to the internal Meeting Schedular application of CSIR including authorization roles and major bug fixes.


Software Engineer Intern
Febraury - June 2023
Gurugram, Haryana, India

I first entered the Squareboat building as part of their annual CodeNight hackathon which was 2 days with sleepover (Jan 29-30), and clicked with my teammates as well as the future colleagues in that short time.

  • The test project was to create a job portal api that inculcates all the best practices as well as backend tech stack used in squareboat. In addition, it had to be built over their open source nestjs boilerplate. After a month of reading, testing and building, I was ready with the api along with monorepo patten, typescript, nestjs, postgresql along with oop concepts like dependecy injection and ioc under my skills.
  • A well-built first project and beautiful gitlab tree resulted in me being part of a new client project that can be dubbed as social media for real estate that saw me looking at even graph databases and a new pattern called backend-from-frontend.
  • When I left the company in June, I had an amazing experience, several git conflict resolution commands and above mentioned skills.

   Green Webhook Proxy OSS

Software Engineer (backend)
October - November 2022

Not exactly a position at a company, but the kind of experience I had working with the amazing team of experienced developers was one of kind and I won't rate it lower.

  • In the backdrop of the 2022 Carbon Hack by GSF, I very casually applied to a team already having 4 members and in the middle of their project. Even though I didn't had a skill in common with their tech stack of redwood, postgres and graphql, I explained where I can contribute and after reading the documentations went on to design and implement the core decision algorithm of the project.
  • As described on the taikai project page, green webhook proxy is a one of a kind solution for reducing carbon footprint that utilizes the carbon aware API to decide the 'greenest' Azure datacenter where the requested computation can be made.
  • It was my first experience working with people having 10 or 15 years of experience and taught me how actual collaboration is made especially about the application design complexity.

btw all 5 of use were working from different continents and I was the only student in there. A lot of credit to lead Jon Parker and the rest of Jade, Suraj and Bleu for the smooth experience