my projects

a good project doesn't drop from air, it is sculpted with struggle


  • talwind based npm package
  • a handy webapp to creating pdfs
  • frontend for the job portal api project

innovative project
Dec 2023 - Jan 2024



  • a self-motivated approach to issue tracking systems based on my own experience in my internship.
  • I integrated project management with its github fine-grained access token and then while creating a bug, the user can specify at which commit across the branches, the bug was discovered by them.
  • I applied most of my learning in the field of backend, frontend, folder structure, modularity and best practices.
  • In the confined set of MERN only, I designed the authentication and authorization, route guards and access levels etc.

corporate project
June - August 2023


  • built for my father's graphic design business which was previously chat and mail based. its for their non-exclusive designs that are available for multiple customers at once.
  • the data flow is unique, modified opensource frontend on vercel, a node server in elasticbeanstalk, postgres on amazon rds and another opensource medusajs admin server that sits locally.
  • os frontend <- my server <- os postgres <-> os admin
  • why? because all three except the middle server were integrated in opensource but it wasn't according to the needs, hence I mapped each of their exisitng api routes, schema and types and designed my own server in the middle.

oss contribution
March - April 2022

valhalla engine


  • had the opportunity to solve a major bug in valhalla routing engine's truck cost logic, where I first debugged why truck wasn't avoiding a particular routes even after setting options and then added those changes following their code standard
  • I was also required to create an integration test acording to their testing format

individual hackathon project
April 2024

if pipeline helper


  • carbon hack 24 - supposed to be the centralised landing page for the upcoming users of the impact framework
  • pipeline builder which integrates with the library of plugins and parameters and enables anyone to test out their ideas or to search for best compatible options according to what they have and what they need
  • Any of input parameters, plugins and their order and output parameters can be explicitly added and the algorithm behind will give the feedback dynamically.

team hackathon project
Aug 2024

web scraper for olostep


  • Worked with four teammates from Korea on a web scraping website using cheerio and puppeteer on top of MERN stack during Headstarter hackathon.
  • The best part was learning how to get a live chromium build working on deployment.

oss contribution
October 2023

meteor (40k stars)


  • meteor has a cli with its very first command for anyone is to create the app, but the whole lot of options provided were dependent on correct usage of flags.
  • i ported the exact same functionality into an interactive command line experience so that silly mistakes in flags are avoided and users know about all the options

March 2023

job portal api


  • most architecturally advanced and complex work and least shiny (as only api) of the whole lot. and it came with a lot of learnings.
  • it was my first project to be made in Squareboat to get familiar with their open source bare boilerplate. lot of docs
  • typescript, nestjs, dependecy injection, ioc, query builders and a whole lot of things. to get up and running and completing them in 3 sprints to survive the internship.
  • i learnt the things mentioned above + authz, authn, tokens, role separation, migrations and best of all, the best practices pdf that I absorbed.

team hackathon project
October - November 2022

green webhook proxy


  • mentioned the story in work section, the project is part of Carbon hack 22 by GSF
  • GSF provided carbon aware api access which provided carbon footprint data of azure centers around the world every 5 minutes
  • we decided to use that data to redirect heavy-computation webhook calls (based on its estimated computation time) to the greenest forecasted center. I designed that logic.

March 2021 - December 2022

metro rail path finder - sql


  • my first ever app ever, don't mind if it breaks on mobile, credit- position:absolute
  • updated a lot of times in 2.5 years but never did I updated that path-finding algorithm which is the core of this project
  • Originally intended as a crud app for dbms class, quickly progressed into hardcoding 200 routes and then to designing and implementing a 160 line script in mysql which later turned out to be dfs.
  • learnt everything about sql, node and backend through making/updating it - cte, recursive procedures, dynamic sql, express routes etc

commercial project
Nov 2023 & then Mar 2024


to be back for IPL 2024 and ICC T20 World Cup 2024. tbh, I completed its first version just before last 6 matches of CWC 2023 and hence there was very less usage scope at that time
as for tech stack, its serverless (only aws lambda) and blazing fast

January - October 2022

metro rail path finder - mongodb


  • nothing special in particular, exept that the path finding algorithm was written completely by me from scratch
  • Originally, it was DFS algo but had an efficient mongodb structure that made it very scalable
  • then an interviewer inspired me to make it shortest path enabled, and i did that with good harmony between mongodb structure and my algorithm. it may look like djikstra but its not. somewhere around oct-2022, i updated it to react

oss contribution
April 2023



  • a little bit annoying as the issue was already resolved but the org's issue tracker wasn't updated. funny enough, the code it referenced was of an old commit. so, I didn't suspect anything until the diff emerged when pr was raised
  • nevertheless, i solved their issue in native sql, which i believe is better than the current js based solution, hence the pr is still under consideration
  • fun fact: I first wrote the code in mysql and then ported to postgres